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19 september 2024
Last summer, we at Montakon certainly did not stay still. In fact, we worked hard on a special and exciting order for a customer far away from here!
Weeks of preparation went by. During this time, metres of tubes, elbows, tees and much more were collected and packed. Take a look below at some of the items used for this amazing project:
Finally, the time had come. Many trucks were at the gate, ready to be loaded with dozens of crates and pallets full of stainless steel products. Some 10,000 kilometres away, these products were unloaded on the other side of the world, in Brazil! Of course, that excites us. Just look at the smile on Willem's face, it says it all!
Montakon | Titaniumlaan 120 | 5221 CL 's-Hertogenbosch | Nederland
+31(0)73 599 6000 | info@montakon.nl