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As a family business, we strive for a better living environment for our future generations, which is why we are becoming more sustainable in several areas. For instance, the roof of our building in Den Bosch is full of solar panels; thanks to this investment, we are 90% self-sufficient.
In our warehouse, we drive electric forklifts and reuse packaging materials whenever possible. Our priority remains delivering items to the customer harmlessly and neatly. Preferably in one shipment and as few partial deliveries as possible.
We no longer use plastic water bottles but have purchased a water cooler instead. Waste is separated. The vitality of our team is very important to us. Fresh fruit is delivered every week. We encourage each other to come to work by bike as much as possible and are committed to everyone's well-being.
We have been focusing on paperless office since 2011, which means that we have given up analogue archives and switched to a digital archive. We continue to strive for less printing among other things by automating business processes.
Do you have any questions about a product? Would you like more information about our product range?
Feel free to contact us!
Montakon | Titaniumlaan 120 | 5221 CL 's-Hertogenbosch | Nederland
+31(0)73 599 6000 | info@montakon.nl